I will write for myself, to alleviate the apprehension in the depth of my soul.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rule #116: The success of the future is determined by the actions of the present. Success starts now not later.


This past few days have been making me realize how much my perspectives have changed. See, I might’ve been naive, but I’m not anymore. Some people would still think that l am but at least I know better now.

The thing is I really cannot trust anyone even the one who might be a potential partner. I’m not going through another heartbreak or anything. I’m just saying that I might have been blinded by infatuation. Now, I’m starting to see things for what they are and people for what they do.

Who I was then saw the good in people, believed in every word they utter and fell for the thoughts they represent. I’d jumped right at the opportunity and told them everything there’s to know, just in hopes of gaining their trust, or appreciation, or time. I used to put other people's happiness in front of my own, even when it compromised my own happiness but I finally realized that I matter too.

Who I am now have understood the dynamics of conversation. I still do venture cautiously into the ocean of conversation. I carefully gauge the person and a suitable topic while making sure that I don’t hog the dialogue. But I learned how to control the flow of the conversation and stir it into the direction that I want. I know how to get what I want and how to prevent what I don’t want. Who I was before loved telling everyone everything that happened; now I know what should be kept within myself and what is supposed to be shared. I know how to hold myself back. I know better than to involve myself in things that are none of my concern. I know better than to talk when silence is golden. I’m learning and I know better.

This is not me losing hope. This is me trying to keep out of trouble and avoid disappointments. “This world cannot break you—unless you give it permission. And it cannot own you unless you hand it the keys – unless you give it your heart. And so, if you have handed those keys to dunya for a while—take them back. This isn’t the End. You don’t have to die here. Reclaim your heart and place it with its rightful owner: God.” [Yasmin M.]

♡ ♡ ♡
Nadiah Latiff

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