I will write for myself, to alleviate the apprehension in the depth of my soul.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rule #98: Touch a heart and you soften your own.


Few days ago I tweeted, “Time never heals; it makes you indifferent. And to master indifference my friend, is what will help you move on. No. Time is not the best healer.”

Why don’t you guys understand that time only gives the wound time to fester. It makes pain easier to deal with and it becomes alright whenever nostalgia hits you. Your level of resistance increases and you’ll eventually realize that all the wounds you’ve tried running away from or denying, they’re just bandages that get old and lose their holding power over time.

Life rule to live by, one of the top-most ones: be kind to thy parents. Be kind.

I know it’s cliché to write about our moms only because of mother’s day. But recently my mother admitted having a difficult time dealing with our attitudes at home, how clashes of opinions are starting to take a toll on her. I understand enough that she grew up and lived in a generation separate from mine – the things I’ve come to accept more openly are sometimes, if not plenty times, still struggles for her. It breaks my heart whenever she wishes that she could trade positions with me because she’s really tired of being a mother. Yet she still put up with everything without fail! On my prayer mat, I pray long and hard for God to ease her pain and make me become a better daughter, just like I do every night before I go to sleep. I love her so dearly, knowing that her heart is breaking just leaves me in pieces all the time.

Nothing parallels to the love of a mother. A mother is the only person who can get mad at you and make you dinner at the same time. They’re the strangest, most unique and self-less human beings.

Happy Mother’s Day, you are and will always be in my prayers forevermore..

♡ ♡ ♡
Nadiah Latiff

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